Solidarity Projects

#HomelessEntrepreneur would like to support caring, creative, active citizens from around the world who would like to develop and optimize a project of theirs with our organization to end homelessness for and with the homeless people in our program. We guide the project leaders to ensure their crowdfunding project has the biggest impact possible!

All you need to do is fill out the project submission form now and we’ll review it and get back to you ASAP, so we can start working to end homelessness together!

This year we are on a mission to help 100 homeless people to come out from the streets and have a dignified life. To achieve this goal, we have to raise 300.000€.

We estimate the cost of helping one homeless person, is 3.080€ for a year.

With every Solidary Project, our goal is to raise at least 3.080€. This sponsors 1 homeless person's HELP program for one year.