"Twelve Cities" (Piano) Composed by Guillem S. Benet
"Twelve Cities" (Piano) Composed by Guillem S. Benet
(Musical Project)
To speed up the process of empowering people out of poverty through our European Report on Assistance vs Empowerment, Homeless Entrepreneur has partnered up with Guillem S. Benet, a minimalist catalan pianist, to sonify the obstacles and opportunities of homelessness and poverty in twelve European cities, which will help us strengthen our community through musical inspiration.
Our aim is to create a musical soundtrack that will wake the interest and involvement of European citizens and visitors, so we can receive the support needed to improve social policies in Europe: the soundtrack will be presented to the EU Parliament.
European society has turned a deaf ear to the sound of homelessness in their cities: more than 700,000 homeless people are experiencing homelessness in the European Union.
Create an emotional connection among citizens, cities and people suffering from homelessness through music inspired by the combination of all three.
Guillem S. Benet will compose piano music for a solidary album, which highlights the similarities and differences of homelessness and poverty throughout selected European cities, while raising awareness and funding for our EU Report.
How we do it
Guillem S. Benet will visit all twelve cities included in our EU Report and capture the essence of each city, analyze how the different municipal, regional and state governments deal with homelessness and poverty. Then he will compose a piano piece for each city that sonifies homelessness and its relationship with society.
1) Visiting the 12 cities from our EU Report
2) Composing Piano Music
3) Sharing the Music and inspiring empathy and action to end homelessness.
1) Brussels, Belgium
2) Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
3) Strasbourg, France
4) London, England
5) Paris, France
6) Istanbul, Turkey
7) Dublin, Ireland
8) Frankfurt, Germany
9) Helsinki, Finland
10) Tbilisi, Georgia
11) Chișinău, Moldova
12) Tirana, Albania
Donate & Empower People out of Poverty with us!
If you’re a journalist, communication professional or represent an organization that would like to cover Twelve Cities, please click on the button below and write us!
Listen to all 12 songs for the EU Report by Guillem S. Benet:
Brussels, Chișinău, Dublin, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Istanbul, London, Luxembourg, Paris, Strasbourg, Tbilisi & Tirana.
Donate & Give People Experiencing Homelessness & Poverty a chance to connect with everyone who listens to the musical pieces of our EU Report.
22 - February - 2023: (Dublin, Ireland)
Become a Partner/Sponsor!
Please fill out the following form to request an exploratory meeting to discuss the opportunity of being a Twelve Cities partner!