Andrew Funk




+34 697 877 089



Born in St. Paul, Minnesota (US) in 1981 and graduated one year early with a BA in English Literature and a minor in economics at Arizona State University. He has international experience on both a professional and personal level having worked in 12 countries and visited 43. As an online/offline consultant, professor, translator, et alia, he worked in sectors such as finance (venture capital), education (university and professional training), pharmaceutical, health, logistics, manufacturing, public, tourism, transport and utilities and energy. He has worked in English, Spanish and Catalan and is an expert in social media.

In the private sector, he has directed his own companies as a visionary with a social focus and in the public sector he has held high responsibilities in projects based on new technology as well as general entrepreneurship that focused on internationalization and sustainability.

What inspired you to start Homeless Entrepreneur?

What inspires you in times of crisis?

Knowing that every tragedy can be turned into an opportunity to grow as individuals and society as a whole.

How do you build your network to end homelessness?

I read everything I can get my hands on and speak with everyone I run across. My favorite part of reading is connecting with the people I read about online and in person and my favorite part of speaking with people is figuring out how they can participate in the process of ending homelessness. The more value I add to my network, the healthier it is and the faster we end homelessness together. 

What’s the best way to end homelessness?

Active citizenship and work. First, we need to identify homeless people who want to be active, working citizens and then we need to share their story and progress with the world. Finally we need to connect them with opportunities that include them in the professional world as well as society. It takes the will, network, resources and funding of people and organizations who have extra assets to invest in those willing to participate.