By Barbara Fluegge on behalf of Mobility Moves Minds – build and grow again
The Claim of Mobility
When it comes to mobility, we all again and again experience now what it means to be mobile, not mobile, resilient, withstanding in all 3 dimensions: physical, digital and mental mobility.
The threat that Ukrainian people are facing is a brutal slam in the face of children, women, men, anyone, them, their families, friends, businesses, projects, houses, gardens, homes they built and maintained, communities they nurtured, believes they expressed, ideas and greatness they contributed to the world ...
Your mobility, our mobility is stressed - we cannot put it in better words
Physically: facing the burden that is put on the people in Ukraine and everywhere else where you are not allowed to move freely, yet forced to leave, forced to move under the utmost dangerous circumstances
Digitally: do you experience the digital mobility freedom - we see what fake news, troll factories are aiming for - we also see and experience that many support centers have been located in Ukraine and that colleagues and the teams of our business partners experience the immobility of digital accessibility and have to give up their digital business and digital homebase
Mentally: this is heart aching and heart breaking, eating up your nerves and putting so much stress on your shoulders, minds, and hearts - how to cope with the uncertainty, with the danger of moving, with the danger of expressing fear, unbelievable thoughts and concerns and worries about family members, friends, and the ones that aim to help and put themselves into the danger zones…
Yet this is the moment of being faithful and hopeful.
The Claim of Hope
Let me reflect on what we covered in Mobility Moves Minds about HOPE.
“Hope is the willpower and the waypower people have toward a goal […] and when necessary, redirecting paths to goals in order to succeed.”
Willpower: having positive expectancies and specific goals
Waypower: having in place alternative pathways to cope with those expectancies not proceeding in the way they were supposed to proceed
The willpower and the waypower, this is how the psychologists Luthans, F., Vogelgesang, G., & Lester, P. described it in their article, issued in 2006 about Developing the Psychological Capital of Resiliency. published in the Management Department Faculty Publications. P. 8, Nebraska.
And yet in these times, we release the so called CURIOSITY Edition of Mobility Moves Minds. You find the Curiosity Chapter added in the excerpt for free download below.
Our grandparents and parents and the generations before taught us what it means to stand up again, fight, continue and stand up again.
Let me reflect on Curiosity and what Rafael Recort Badia, a homeless entrepreneur we talked to in the making of our book, stated in our interview. Rafael says about Curiosity being a human trait:
“To live out human curiosity is what makes us human.”
And we continue in our elaboration of resilience and fighting the worst moves that can happen to us, that happen to you right now - fighting by acting:
“We create opportunities for ourselves in the midst of life. We use our energy and curiosity as best as we can.”
We hereby share with you the unique Curiosity Edition of Mobility Moves Minds
exploring curiosity.
helping each other in standing up against the darkness of giving in and worrying so much
identifying chances - even we cannot think of right now
Supporting Others to Build The Trait of Mobility
The Curiosity Edition right now is available in English - we are working on the German edition - it is available as eBook in PDF Format
>> we donate part of the purchase revenue to #HomelessEntrepreneur - as homelessness is a fight we are up against every day
>> #HomelessEntrepreneur is helping in Europe and elsewhere anyone who faces the loss of the home - we are proud to be the social corporate partner of Andrew Funk's organization and his efforts
>> the eBook costs 7.99 € - for orders you find attached the QR code page and direct access
>> purchase directly here
Any purchase will help and give back.
>> we will report on the purchase results as it is our good manner - we issue the donation on a monthly basis to #HomelessEntrepreneur with our donation statement - as we did for the Christmas season and in the months before.
Your purchase will help Homeless Entrepreneur provide greater Mobility for Good to end homelessness through their programs..
Thank you
Dr. Barbara Flügge
Founder, Chief Resilience & Services Officer -digital value creators (DVC)