Help Ukrainian Refugees Start a New Life in Spain
Mother (36), who is a Ukrainian economist and her daughter (7). Two refugees from Kyev who need to leave Ukraine to go to Spain urgently.
Three refugees from Kyev looking to go to Spain.
A Ukrainian mother, who is a civil servant, and her two children (10 and 15 years old), who both love playing basketball.
Donate & help us reach our first goal!
Support 500 Ukrainian refugees (women and children) relocate in Spain with work and housing!
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If you would like to become a sponsor and/or partner with us, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you ASAP!
Our First Goal
As an emergency response to the invasion of Ukraine, Homeless Entrepreneur has decided to create customized solutions (Ukraine Helpline, Ukraine Voices, Ukraine HELP & Housing) through our main 4 programs to support +1,000 Ukrainian refugees. Our first goal is to raise funds for 500 people, so we are able to 1) identify and best select people (mainly women and children), who can benefit the most from our programs 2) help them communicate their story to build a community of people who would like to support them 3) holistic support, so they can become active working citizens in Spain and 4) a safe and dignified place to call home.
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