In 2019, the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) wrote a 140 page study of national policies called “Fighting homelessness and housing exclusion in Europe,” which contains more than 60,000 words. After a careful reading of this document, we noticed some important details, which only strengthen our position regarding European Policy Recommendations: the word “housing” is mentioned 1,251 times (2.1% of the text); the word “work,“ which only refers to integration one time (0.002%), is mentioned 26 times (0.04%); the word “employment“ is only mentioned 12 times (0.02%); and the words “active citizenship“ and “networking“ are not even mentioned at all (0.0%). We firmly believe that work, employment, active citizenship and networking are underrepresented in current European Policy that aims to fight homelessness and housing exclusion and this must change.

Our goal is to bring networking and employment programs to the forefront as well as to continue expanding housing accessibility and protections, which best represent the needs of the beneficiaries receiving this support, because work and active citizenship are the best mechanisms to reduce communication, educational, health, housing, income, legal, and work inequalities and ultimately end homelessness as we know it.

I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to present #HomelessEntrepreneur's programs and social policy recommendations in front of the European Parliament's ...

Homeless Entrepreneur’s founding president, Andrew Funk, presented our programs and social policy recommendations in front of the European Parliament’s PETI commission on 2 July 2020.

On June 15, 2021, the president of the Homeless Entrepreneur, Andrew Funk, proposed that the Senate of Spain makes an investment of 16.9 million euros to end homelessness for 3,300 homeless peoplein Spain, which is 10 % of its total homeless population (33,000 people). "

Social Policy Goals:


Networking homeless individuals to available resources & bringing technology to them.


Supplementing housing-led initiatives with employment focused programs.


Expanding housing accessibility and protections.

In order to achieve the social policy goals and objectives, we propose the following programs: Homeless Helpline, Homeless Voices, HELP Program and HHW (Homeless Hostels Work) Housing Program.


Homeless Helpline

How does it work?

  • Connects individuals to existing resources.

  • Provides active real-time feedback on available resources.

  • Identify areas for improvement in existing systems.

Supporting Policies:

  • Providing funding for Homeless Helpline programs to expand reach and data collection.

  • Supporting regular review of resource and opportunity distribution based on feedback.


Homeless Voices

How does it work?

  • Helps to share the stories and insight of homeless individuals.

  • Connects individuals with their community.

  • Expands opportunities for housing and employment.

Supporting Policies:

  • Support grants for funding Homeless voices programs.

  • Seek out inclusive feedback to improve existing policies and programs.


HELP program

How does it work?

  • Provides professional development training and wholistic support to find and generate employment.

  • Matches individuals with network of experts to assist in reentering society

  • Implemented alongside already existing housing programs.

Supporting Policies:

  • Creating professional development and holistic solutions vouchers to fund employment programs.

  • Providing initial rent assistance upon participation in the HELP program.


HHW program

How does it work?

  • Converts underutilized tourism infrastructure into social housing.

  • Houses individuals participating in employment programs.

  • Encourages participants to become active working citizens.

Supporting Policies:

  • Subsidizing the initial rental of underutilized infrastructure for the creation of HHW housing, with the goal of the program becoming self-sustaining.

  • Creating a grant system specifically for housing and employment programs.

Reentering Society:

What can we do to ensure success?

  • 1) Mandate non-discrimination based on housing status for employment consideration.
  • 2) Require that corporations receiving COVID-19 bailout funding commit to hiring the homeless or contributing funding for employment training programs (i.e. HELP or similar programs).
  • 3) Expand eviction protections for newly unemployed individuals and those renting without a formal agreement.
  • 4) Provide initial rent assistance for individuals upon participation in employment programs.
  • 5) Expand Homeless Helpline, HELP, Homeless Voices and HHW programs to reach all 27 member states.


Contact us to help improve European social policies.