Join our World Economic Forum Sleepout!
There’s limited space to sleep and we have to carefully select the people who want to join our 7th World Economic Forum Sleepout to ensure the richest conversation and great social impact possible!
Sign Up to the Waiting List!
Participating in Homeless Entrepreneur’s World Economic Forum is an unforgettable experience that will inspire both you and all those you share your story with!
During #WEF22, we had the opportunity to speak with the mayor of Davos to discuss the possibility of placing our sculpture, #TheUnforeSeenVariable, in his beautiful city.
Andrew Funk (President of Homeless Entrepreneur) & Jimmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia) in the streets of Davos.
You have to keep your eyes open at all times because you never know who you’ll run into and who is willing to listen and learn more about how we can empower people out of poverty!
Being in the right place at the right time opens up the door to participate in exclusive, private discussions like this one in the SDG tent.