Join our HEAT AID campaign in Barcelona, Spain on August 3rd & 17th!
Maria, a Homeless Entrepreneur developing her project Ànima Nins to promote mindfulness in the educational sector, explains the Helpline during the HEAT AID campaign under Arc de Triomf on August 3, 2024.
fritz-kola and Homeless Entrepreneur have joined forces to support the local homeless community in Barcelona, Spain during the hottest time of the year.
If you care about the environment and people who are the most exposed to it, we’d like to invite you to join our HEAT AID campaign as a volunteer or partner!
Our HEAT AID campaign aims to to raise awareness and inform people about the impact of extreme heat on the homeless community while promoting our Helpline (+34 697 877 089), which collects real-time data from and about homeless people or those about to become homeless and connects them to available resources, aims to prevent and reduce homelessness.
When? 9h-14h on Saturday, August 3rd & 9h-14h on Saturday, August 17th
Where? We will meet in Barcelona, Spain at 9h under Arc de Triomf (Click to see location on Google Maps) and start walking towards Ciutadella Park at 9h15. If you are late or plan on joining us later on, please call our Helpline (+34 697 877 089) and we will let you know where we are at so you can join us!
Why? Top 3 Reasons (with DATA) to Join our HEAT AID campaign!
1) No one should die in our streets due to the heat. Local government, corporations and everyday citizens have the chance to come together and ensure that individuals experiencing homelessness have the resources, tools and network to stay safe and healthy while providing opportunities to become active, working citizens again.
2) People experiencing homelessness are more exposed to heat related deaths. According to Climate Scientist David Hondula, “homeless people are about 200 times more likely to die from heat-associated causes than sheltered people.” (1)
3) Spain is one of the countries in Europe where the mortality rate of heat-related causes is the highest. Researchers found 61,672 people died of heat-related causes in Europe between 30 May and 4 September 2022. (2)
Sign Up to Join our HEAT AID campaign!
Why David Decided to Join the HEAT AID campaign
HEAT AID Sponsors (Barcelona, Aug 2024)
fritz-kola is empowering 200 homeless individuals in Spain through Homeless Entrepreneur’s Helpline: +34 697 877 089.
Did you know that there are more than 4,838 homeless people in Barcelona, Spain?
Help protect homeless people from the heat & buy a hat for us to donate to them this summer!
Average annual temperature in Barcelona, Spain (1780-2012)
Source: Barcelona City Hall
Your support will help empower individuals made of potential experiencing homeless this summer.
A homeless individual trying to stay cool and clean under extreme heat.