Housing Department

Housing stability allows an individual, regardless of his or her housing status, to be an active, working citizen, who contributes to make her/himself, her/his environment, and those connected with it, better.

There are more than 11 million vacant homes across the European Union and an estimated 4.1 million homeless people living within its borders.

On our journey to ending homelessness and situational poverty, we focus on helping homeless people get and keep dignified housing.

According to the Council of Europe, "between 2007 and 2017, the average housing cost overburden rate among poor households increased in the majority of European Union countries," which means that homeless people need more support than ever.

Our department’s goal is for the homeless people, who go through our programs, to thrive instead of just survive.


Key Stages & Support

Housing refers to the building or structure that protects a person.

People who have inappropriate housing or none at all are subject to greater risks of reduced quality of life and overall well-being.

Stage 1


Homeless people living in public spaces, external spaces or night shelters are experiencing the home vulnerable state of homelessness and need to advance to stage 2 or 3 as quickly as possible to prevent chronic homelessness.


  1. #HomelessHelpline Program
  2. #HomelessVoices Program
  3. If eligible, enter our #HomelessHostelsWork housing program & HELP program.

Stage 2


Homeless people living in homeless hostels, temporary accommation, transitional supported accomodation, women's shelter accomodation, migrant workers' accomodation, medical institutions, or supported accomodation for formerly homeless people need to advance to stage 3 or 4 as quickly as possible to increase his or her possibility of becoming an active, working citizen.


  1. #HomelessHelpline Program
  2. #HomelessVoices Program
  3. If eligible and not currently a #HomelessEntrepreneur, enter our #HomelessHostelsWork housing program & HELP program.

Stage 3

Insecure Housing

Homeless people temporarily living with family/friends, squatting, or under the threat of eviction or violence need to advance to stage 4 or 5 as quickly as possible to increase his or her possibility of becoming an active, working citizen.


  1. #HomelessHelpline Program
  2. #HomelessVoices Program
  3. If eligible and not currently a #HomelessEntrepreneur, enter our #HomelessHostelsWork housing program & HELP program.

Stage 4

Inadequate Housing

Homeless people living in temporary/non-conventional structures, unfit housing or extreme overcrowding need to advance to stage 5 as quickly as possible to increase his or her possibility of becoming an active, working citizen.


  1. #HomelessHelpline Program
  2. #HomelessVoices Program
  3. If eligible and not currently a #HomelessEntrepreneur, enter our #HomelessHostelsWork housing program & HELP program.

Stage 5

Dignified Housing

Have a safe, affordable and clean place to call home allows one to focus on building a future as a contributing member of society.

Once this stage has been reached, the objective is to maintain it and mitigate the risk of entering homelessness again.


  1. Volunteer Opportunities with #HomelessEntrepreneur
  2. Become a Homeless Advocate to support people currently in a homeless situation, who want to improve his or her life.

Support Housing Department

Be a Volunteer

We are always looking for proactive volunteers who want to take part in the change they would like to see in the world.

Be a program sponsor

Be a sponsor for this project and help us End Homelessness.


Donate here, if you would like to exclusively support the health department

Housing Team

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