"Cities Need Universal Basic Mobility, Medical Tourism and Equality"

In Switzerland with my f permit, I am limited in many opportunities like access to study or work, right to travel.

People need easy access to work and to essential services to live decent, independent lives. Cities need Universal Basic Mobility. It’s a human right.
— Jeff Makana, #HomelessEntrepreneur correspondent in Switzerland

Freedom of movement, mobility rights, or the right to travel is a human rights concept encompassing the right of individuals to travel from place to place within the territory of a country, and to leave the country and return to it.

This makes me feel like a homeless person because it limits me from trying, for instance, to build a small business. Out of this desperation I have, as an independent publisher, looked at various social exclusion themes, like invisibility of immigrants or homelessness in the bigger cities in Switzerland to do digital storytelling.

Jeff doing therapeutic photography in Basel in 2020

Jeff doing therapeutic photography in Basel in 2020

However, as a f permit holder, I have a studio apartment. I get assistance with rent for a studio apartment and medical insurance. I also get social assistance which equals to 10 chf a day, however, these are poverty margins. That being said, I am appreciative, but think economic empowerment is what most people desire.

So under these circumstances, it's impossible to get a business idea off the ground. Please note that I found out some years back that in Switzerland anyone residing here can start a sole proprietorship and don't have a tax obligation till s/he hits 100k (chf) in profits. And if I had business generating this kind of revenues then I can have an opportunity apply for a residence permit. I do also immensely appreciate Switzerland’s humanitarian gesture, which provides this social assistance support to us which is not typical for homeless folks.

I have an entrepreneurial spirit and have started a successful sole proprietorship in Minnesota doing abstract and title searches for banks and title insurance companies.

With my spirit in creativity while working as a medical coordinator, I built a very good relationship with hospitals and doctors, and using my experience from the US, I decided to research the medical tourism industry and saw a good niche with good disruption potential.

But how do you get a business of the ground with 400 (chf) a month? It seems like an uphill task because of limited cash flow.

In the USA, jobs are easier to find and this helps in generating income to support a small side-business that you eventually allows you to transition from working a side job to being independent.

According to established studies, the medical tourism industry is growing, "With more than 37 million health-related trips and the generation of more than €33 billion each year, medical tourism has become an important niche market."

"Currently, the number of self-paying patients from abroad who travel to Switzerland to seek health care is estimated to be around 0.5-5% of all patients being treated by the Swiss healthcare system. Though this number is small, these patients are considered valuable from financial point of view. They also contribute to education and training of health care professionals and help build reputation of Switzerland as a destination for excellence in health care."

"The unique qualities of Swiss health services that attract patients from abroad are technologically advanced medical infrastructure, highly trained health care professionals, belief in ‘Swiss quality and precision’, strong commitment to protect the privacy of patients while caring for their health needs in a holistic and ‘exclusive’ manner and stable socio-political environment. The main challenge to attract patients from abroad is the high cost of health care in Switzerland as compared to neighboring countries even though many argue that Switzerland provides better quality to price ratio."

Jeff in a human rights summit in 2010.

Jeff in a human rights summit in 2010.

People with psycho-social disabilities and homeless face similarities in social economic injustices and often revolve around bureaucracies in social services.

Around the world, governments are pressing pause on disabled and homeless peoples’ ability to make the most basic of decisions, through a scheme called “conservatorship.”

Conservatorship, also known as “guardianship,” puts decision-making for “conserved” people in the hands of strangers who are assigned to them by the courts, or sometimes in the hands of relatives with whom they may or may not have good relationships. The process takes away their self-determination and often leaves them locked up in jail-like facilities, allegedly for their own protection."


Article 25.1 states that: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

Jeff in a UN shadow reporting workshop in 2010

Jeff in a UN shadow reporting workshop in 2010


Article 2 gives the following definition: “"Reasonable accommodation" means necessary and appropriate modification and adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case, to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Article 5.3 states that “in order to promote equality and eliminate discrimination, States Parties shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided.”

Article 9.1 (a) states that “to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life, States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, (…). These measures, which shall include the identification and elimination of obstacles and barriers to accessibility, shall apply to, inter alia: … (a) Buildings, roads, transportation and other indoor and outdoor facilities, including schools, housing, medical facilities and workplaces.”

Article 19 (a) states that “States Parties to this Convention recognize the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others, and shall take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right and their full inclusion and participation in the community, including by ensuring that: (a) Persons with disabilities have the opportunity to choose their place of residence and where and with whom they live on an equal basis with others and are not obliged to live in a particular living arrangement.”

Article 22.1 states that “No person with disabilities, regardless of place of residence or living arrangements, shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, or correspondence or other types of communication or to unlawful attacks on his or her honor and reputation. Persons with disabilities have the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.”

Article 24 – Education  5. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. To this end, States Parties shall ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities.

Article 28.1 states that “States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions, and shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right without discrimination on the basis of disability.”

Article 28.2 (d) states that “States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to social protection and to the enjoyment of that right without discrimination on the basis of disability, and shall take appropriate steps to safeguard and promote the realization of this right, including measures:… (d) To ensure access by persons with disabilities to public housing programs.”

Human rights apply to everyone, no matter our race, belief, location or other distinction. They are universal, eternal & indivisible. One cannot pick & choose among civil, political, economic, social & cultural rights.

Let's stand up for human rights for everyone, everywhere.

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A special thanks to Jeff Makana, an #HE corresponent in Switzerland, for writing and contributing this article to our blog!

"Work and active citizenship are integral part of the UNCRPD" Jeff Makana

My name is Jeff Makana a human rights activist and torture survivor.

I have now been living in Switzerland for the past 10yrs after being tortured in Kenya in Dec 2009 due to my work as an activist agitating for the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities inline with the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities(UNCRPD).

Jeff in Basel

Jeff in Basel

Work and active citizenship are integral part of the UNCRPD. Often people like myself who have experienced psychosocial disabilities are discriminated from civil and political participation and this creates unintended consequences some leading social economic exclusion.

As a survivor of torture, I believed that I will be accepted as an asylum seeker in Switzerland and get a chance to continue my life but that was not the case as my asylum was rejected despite having been invited to Switzerland as an activist to attend a UN workshop in Geneva on shadow reporting, a UN mechanism in the Universal periodic review of UN treaties. Despite the rejection of my asylum request I was granted a humanitarian permit to stay in Switzerland renewable every year. This permit categorized as permit f has it's challenges, mainly challenges with getting gainful employment or civil and political participation. In the state I live, Canton Jura immigrants can participate in local government if here for 10yrs and with an accepted asylum request or permit B to be precise.

Article 29 of the CRPD sets out the framework for persons with disabilities' participation in political and public life and stipulates that state parties shall “guarantee to persons with disabilities political rights and the opportunity to enjoy them on equal basis with others.” To achieve this, state parties should domesticate the UNCRPD. Switzerland has signed but not ratified the UNCRPD, a measure more symbolic than one that empowers persons with psychosocial disabilities. 

Jeff in Davos

Jeff in Davos

People with psychosocial disabilities have equal right to study and work, but too often this sector of the population face discrimination and fail to experience work or active citizenship. Regarding persons with psychosocial disabilities only as objects of charity and medical treatments denies us equal rights and capabilities to make our own decisions in Life, be it work or further studies or launching a small businesses. 

“At the same time, around the world, there is a long history of injustice embedded in the mental health care sector, and this provokes the challenging question of how to change current practices, which have been routinized over centuries,” writes the international team of authors led by Dr. Sebastian von Peter. This is also true today in Switzerland with marginalization of persons with psychosocial disabilities as myself struggling to find work or study opportunity to enter the highly skilled  Swiss job market and active citizenship.

A special thanks to Jeff Makana for writing and contributing this article to our blog!

Join #HomelessEntrepreneur Community

Monthly ESITS Sleepout at CogX 2019

Are you in London during CogX (June 10 - 12)? Have you ever helped a homeless person? Do you believe AI & emerging technology can create greater job opportunities?  Do you believe actions speak louder than words?

If you've answered "Yes" to all four questions you have officially qualified as someone who can participate in #HomelessEntrepreneur's 34th monthly sleepout between June 10-12 at Granary Square, Kings Cross.

Why is #HomelessEntrepreneur participating in CogX again?

Before answering that question, we’d like to give a special thank to Tabitha Goldstaub and the amazing CogX team! Your inclusive support means more than you all can imagine!

If you’re in London on June 10-12, 2019 and love AI & Emerging Technology, you should definitely buy tickets for this event!

“We believe that the tech world can promote a symbiotic relationship between humans and technology to speed up the process of creating sustainable work and dignified housing for and with homeless people interested in telling their story and working to become active citizens again.
— Andrew Funk, president of #HomelessEntrepreneur

Watch Andrew Funk’s presentation during CogX 2018!

Speech at CogX (IoT, Blockchain & AI festival) in which we invited the AI community to participate in the process of ending homelessness by creating better job opportunities. Puedes ayudar, y mucho, compartiendo este vídeo, suscribiendo a nuestro canal de YouTube y/o haciendo una donación en ES78 0081 1699 5300 0105 8408, swift code (BSABESBB).


Sleeping in the street for one night isn't going to kill you, but sleeping there every night can and will especially in winter and during cold fronts. Cardboard gravestones have even appeared in England to honor homeless people who have passed away. In 2017, “an estimate of 574 homeless deaths in urban England and Wales took place, compared with 26 in rural areas.”

What are #HomelessEntrepreneur’s goals at CogX this year?

  • Raise Awareness both online and offline: We will communicate with CogX guests online and offline to build upon our 3 strategic pillars; knowledge, recognition and change. The goal is that these conversations with AI and emerging tech professionals, influencers in the business world and journalists lead to specific proposals that create real change.

    • Example: During our last monthly sleepout at Cannes Film Festival, I received a message from Guy Gadney via Twitter asking to meet up in CogX. One of the things I love the most about social media is how it comes to life when we connect with like-minded professionals.

  • Build Partnerships: We are looking to partner up with corporations and individuals who would like to help create more job and housing opportunities for and with homeless people in our program.

    • Example: As soon as we create a new partnership, we will share it in this article. Contact us if you’re interested!

  • Raise Funds: On a small scale, we’d like to raise between 30,000€ to turn our association into a foundation. On a large scale, we’d like to raise 222,622€ more to create our own #HE Home/Hub that will house 60 homeless people, who will be provided with all the necessary network, resources and tools through our 1 year program to become active, working citizens again.

    • Example: As soon as we raise funds, we will share it in this article. Our event is currently being sponsored by Dinners That Matter: Please contact us if you’re interested in donating as an individual or organization.

How is #HomelessEntrepreneur participating in CogX?

  • We will be attending CogX conferences and networking events all three days and sleeping out at Granary Square from June 10-12 as well as communicating a clear positive message with every person who sees us, be it online or offline, Don’t be surprised if we smile and wish you an amazing day and successful event!

    • Example of commitment: Even if it’s -14ºC, like it was in Davos during our sleepout during the World Economic Forum, we’re still sleeping out. Homeless people can’t choose not to be homeless when the weather’s bad and we’re not going to act any differently.

  • We will be starting and continuing conversations with those attending the event in a formal and informal way, which will depend on each person/organization.

Building our network means taking care of those we meet and building a long-term relationship.

  • We will be creating customized proposals and closing deals with all interested parties.

    • Example: As soon as we close deals, we will share them in this article. Contact us if you’re interested!

  • And most importantly, we will start working with the new partners who decide to help speed up the process of creating sustainable work and dignified housing for and with our organization.

    • Example: As soon as we start working with a new partner, we will share it in this article. Contact us if you’re interested!


1) A sleeping bag

2) An open mind

3) A few good jokes (optional)


Share this post with people you know who may be interested in joining us. It's free and you can do it on your phone from wherever you are!

You can also participate as a sponsor like Invoice Ninja, who sponsored our sleepout for Web Summit in Libson, in future events! They also sponsor one of the #HomelessEntrepreneur projects!


Yes, and we should do it because active citizen participation is the only solution!


“For further information, please email us at funk@homelessentrepreneur.org or call us at +34 697 877 089.
— Andrew Funk, president of #HomelessEntrepreneur