"The shelter of Sonia, Jordi and Pablo"
It's twelve o'clock and you're still huddled in your bags. It matters little the hustle and bustle that you feel as children and adults who take advantage of Sunday to play in the park, that reason that is being lost with the technological involution.
For you there is still a long day, many meters to travel, a lot of shame asking for charity, some wine or beer to throw to the body, to warm it up, to escape a little from this damn reality.
Today Sunday, what happens so many people around here, you need that some of you are always watching your shelter, lest some funny person to disassemble the chiringuito. Within what fits, there you are well, you say. With that little you settle yourselves already, abandoned the faith in the society.
But in the human spirit, hope is inherent. The hope of a home, a simple roof and a kitchenette, a place of reference, although, with much pain, you must separate. That almost everyone has, less thousands, here in Barcelona, ere in the center, this city so tourist, beautiful and cosmopolitan.
You tell me that you are grateful for my interest and that of the organization with which I collaborate. That you do not want charity, that you want to sing, write, work, eat twice a day for your merits and that we all have some talent, although not all of us know it.
Note from the author, Daniel Marin , an entrepreneur without a roof. His talent is photo-journalism.
If you want to help Sonia, Jordi and Pablo go out of the street, and that the undersigned does not return to it due to a serious economic situation at present, you can make a donation in the signature of the article. All collaboration is welcome.
Note from the Entrepreneurs Without Roof Association .
You can make a donation to help you through the bank account of the Entrepreneurs Without Roof Association: IBAN No ES78 0081-1699-53-0001058408
Thank you!