My Only Birthday Wish: Eliminate homelessness (1ª Parte Español/2nd Half English)
Good morning everyone! It’s officially Monday, October, 17th and the time is 00:00, which means two things 1) It’s my 35th birthday and 2) it’s International Eradication of Poverty day. I’m not saying that there is a direct relationship, but it is a strange coincidence to say the least. As many of you might now, I’m a bigger fan of giving than receiving, and my birthday is no exception. Joseph Wresinski (1917–1988) founder of ATD Fourth World once said, “Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty. I would like to invite everyone to come together today, on October 17th, no matter where you live in the world, be it Houston, Texas; Buenos Aires, Argentina; or Mumbai, India, and donate 1€ per month to #HomelessEntrepreneur via Patreon to help eradicate homelessness in Barcelona. Yes, I said a specific city and not the entire planet because that is where we are working right now, but it is the first seed of many that will spread across the world. I may be turning 35 today, but I feel like I’m turning 1 because it’s the number of people I’ve helped get off of the street so far. My goal is to turn 7 on October 17th, 2017, 31 on October 17th, 2018, 127 on October 17th, 2019 and 511 on October 17th, 2020. I like to dream big but I understand that every dream is built one wish at a time, which is why my one wish this year for my birthday is that every person who sees this video gives me the best birthday present ever by donating 1€/month to #HomelessEntrepreneur, so we can celebrate both my birthday and International Eradication of Poverty day through an action instead of mere words. Consciousness is the first step, but without action, nothing happens. My goal is to make the voice of the homeless heard, so I will spend my birthday speaking with homeless people in order to find out how society can help erase International Eradication of Poverty day off the calendar as soon as possible. Thanks for listening to me, for wishing me a happy birthday and most importantly for showing the rest of the world two things 1) “giving is the best way of receiving” and 2) my father was right when he said, “If you don’t offer anything to society, don’t expect anything from it.”