Homeless Entrepreneur

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Become a Global Partner to End Homelessness Faster!

#HomelessEntrepreneur currently has more than 55,000 contacts and 1,000,000 online views per month. We firmly believe that greater visibility will create more empathy and action amongst citizens around the world, which is why we are building #HomelessEntrepreneurs Global Partner network. If you are an individual, association or corporation that either works to end homelessness or wants to help us speed up the process to end it, please read the following requirements and contact us for further information.


  1. Believe that you can help us eliminate homelessness by providing a product or service.
  2. Publish an article about what you are doing to help eliminate homelessness in our blog. You can either publish on a weekly, monthly or trimester basis.
  3. Create a project with another entity in the #HomelessEntrepreneur Global Partner network i.e. Facing Homelessness and #HomelessEntrepreneur are creating a project called "International Homeless Conversations" to start a discourse between homeless communities around the world to break down barriers and stereotypes while opening up new opportunities through real conversations and black and white photography.
  4. Add Partner's logo + link to web page
  5. Follow partners in social media
  6. Share/mention 1 partner per week in social media
  7. Monthly Google Hangout brainstorming meeting (1h).

Our goal is to learn by working with organizations in other countries and sharing best practices so we can speed up the process of eliminating homelessness together!

If you fulfill these requirements and want to join the #HomelessEntrepreneur Global Partner networkplease contact us to set up an interview with us.

If society cares, homelessness will disappear!