Homeless Entrepreneur

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"Something inside me" #TodosContraElSida (subtitles English / English subtitles)

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"Something inside me" 
written by Marcos Hernández Garrido

Something unexpected
beats around my heart,
a little ghost
that hugs stealthy to my metabolism,
to my hope,
to my vision of dreams,
to my life,
to the sense of the road traveled
and for walking
that stepping on a variable clock
for with its decomposed seconds
create a new house of cards
that will solidify
with the course of healthy habits,
being one more rooted to my body
in brotherhood until the posthumous old age
or in the time of extreme measure
where I am allowed to value
every second,
every breeze that caresses my existence.
Dance, live transparent
after the beauty, after the corporal perfection,
imperceptible to other people's eyes
There is no turning back in his cloak
but if the ability to continue feeling life
even with the tingling of his presence,
and if the capricious fate
unleashes its cruel nature
do not let go of my hands,
do not limit your caresses,
do not stay away until only you are left
the echo of the words that used to bathe
the same will to live
that shone simultaneously in our eyes.
That an instant of sincere words
Do not create a wall between the two,
love still springs from the same pores
that made me sweat for you, by your side.
My ghost navigates in me,
and my desire,
and my wishes,
while my body fades
with the gift of life that still remains,
but in my neurons
is the eternity of what I was
of what I am and what I will be when I leave,
it will also be engraved with the fire of passion
in the book of my story
and in the confines of unbreakable hearts
that they never felt fear
nor the precarious distance.

The second #EmprendedorSinTecho, Andrzej, has AIDS and if you want to bring awareness to action, we invite you to get to know him and help him.

If you want to help us accelerate the process of eliminating homelessness in Barcelona, e invite you to donate online by clicking on this link: https://www.patreon.com/homelessentrepreneur