"El Cobijo de Antonio, Jaime, Braulio, Sergio, Juan and María"
Leave things anywhere that our order is particular, use your head and take advantage of anything for your needs, be creative. We can not say that we have nothing, we have blankets and mattresses, and suitcases with clothes, look at yourself, and company, here we are six, Antonio, Jaime, Braulio, Sergio, Juan and María. More than a lot of people who live alone in their apartment, bitter, well no, that with whatsapp and facebook they have hundreds of friends and they talk every day, but hey, we talk here and we are always together, and we even have sex, but that you will already know and you will have to work.
They say that we have no dignity and that we have lost everything, but for me, in the deepest part of my being, the only thing I need is a home, I no longer tell you money or work, with a home everything would improve, because cold in Winter does, and the cop sometimes bothers us, the fools do not because they see that we are many. So I love the initiative you propose from HomelessEntrepreneur since we all have skills that with the basic needs covered we could demonstrate. And we do not want you, Daniel, to stay in the street, because you say you're in a situation of limits.
Note from the author, Daniel Marin , an entrepreneur without a roof. His talent is photo-journalism.
If you want to give a donation so that these six people leave the street and I do not return to it, you can do it through the account number that signs this article with the title "Cobijos."
Note from the Entrepreneurs Without Roof Association
You can make a donation to help you through the bank account of the Entrepreneurs Without Roof Association: IBAN No ES78 0081-1699-53-0001058408